Variable Force Generator
The Variable Force Generator (VFG) is a stand alone tactile four channel CV & Gate controller.
I/O: Available in either Banana Jack OR 1/8" (3.5mm) Jacks!
Power: +15Vdc @ 300mA Wallwart (Sold Separately)
Size: 5.72" x 4.77" x 1.39"
The Variable Force Generator (VFG) is a stand alone tactile four channel CV & Gate controller.
I/O: Available in either Banana Jack OR 1/8" (3.5mm) Jacks!
Power: +15Vdc @ 300mA Wallwart (Sold Separately)
Size: 5.72" x 4.77" x 1.39"
The Variable Force Generator (VFG) is a stand alone tactile four channel CV & Gate controller.
I/O: Available in either Banana Jack OR 1/8" (3.5mm) Jacks!
Power: +15Vdc @ 300mA Wallwart (Sold Separately)
Size: 5.72" x 4.77" x 1.39"
The Variable Force Generator (VFG) is a stand alone tactile four channel CV & Gate controller. By using one of the "force sensing resistors" the player can generate up to four CV (0-10V) and Gate (8v) sources at the same time. Custom Gate Voltage can be applied, please email with requests. Each Channel has a Scale control, which attenuates the maximum potential output voltage. The VFG is a hands on performance tool to interface with and control your modular gear! Next to the 2.1mm DC Jack (Powered via a simple 15Vdc @ 300mA Center Positive brick supply [Sold Separately]), it has a Banana Ground jack provided for simple interfacing with other formats of modular. Keeping formats in mind, the VFG is available in 3.5mm as well as Banana jacks.